- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Stove concert together with Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg
- Report from the annual meeting 2024
- News from Nepal
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Program GS12215 listed by Gold Standard
- Report from the workshop: Future of Ofenmacher
- Electric cooking in Nepal
- Passing of our former treasurer Burkhard Dönitz
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Co-operation with ClimatePartner Foundation
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Swastha Chulo manager Anita Badal in Germany
- A "Matsch" stove for Nepal?
- Future of stove building in Nepal
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Travel report from Nepal
- Climate protection partner Lafim-Diakonie
- Travelling climate neutral with Wikinger Reisen
- Workshop with the partners from Ethiopia
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Stove Building in Nepal - Monsoon and Personnel Change
- Fundraiser ThermaxBausätze
- Stove Building in Uganda - Cooperation with Traugott Binder
- Future may come - New Constitution Registered
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Climate Change also visible in Nepal
- A piece of Nepal at Pellworm
- Ready for the Future - Changes in the Constitution
- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Christa Drigalla's Report from Nepal
- Bel Bahadur, important employee in Nepal
- 25 years Georg Kraus Stiftung
- Chicken donating for stoves: Hof Haby
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Difficult situation in Ethiopia
- New Rocket Stoves for Kenia
- Nepal is getting going again
- Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima
- Hybrid general meetings
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Honor for Christa Drigalla
- Interview with Christa Drigalla
- Crisis in Nepal
- Wandermarathon
- Wikinger Wandermarathon
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- 100,000 stoves - what did we achieve with it?
- The story before the association was founded
- How did we get there?
Project in Ethiopia
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Reports on the corona situation in the stove construction areas in Nepal, Kenya and Ethiopia
Building stoves in times of corona
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Changes at Swostha Chulo
- Chimney sweepers in Nepal
- Cooking in Nepal - today and tomorrow
- Headlines from Nepal
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Night of the choirs in Vaterstetten
- Stoves in Togo
- Demostration stove in Heidelberg
- Charity Shopping
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Report from Ethipia
- New agreements on climate protection
- Stove builder Genet from Ethiopia
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Report from Nepal by Christa Drigalla
- Project trips in autumn 2018
- Survey on the condition of the stoves
- Chimney sweepers in Nepal
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Treasurer Robert Pfeffer introduces himself
- Training in Kenia
- Emission trading on the rise
- The Ofenmacher's climate protection project
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Apart from stove making
- Stove makers in Ethiopia's highlands
- Cooking methods in the Simien Mountains
- Cooking, talking, learning: The Pellworm stove
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Nepal 2017
- Decrease in respiratory diseases
- Cooperation with Hand in Hand Fonds
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Pilot stoves in the Simien Mountains
- Wikinger Marathon
- Clay stoves on Pellworm
- Funding by the BMZ
- Partnership with Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
- Editorial by Dr. Frank Dengler
- Village visits in Gulmi and Pyuthan (Nepal)
- Environmental protection partner meistro
- Benefits of climate protection projects
- Donating without paying
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Hard times in Ethiopia
- Our partners
- The stove inspectors
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Joachim Wiesmüller introduces himself
- News from Ethiopia
- Stove management
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Changes in the Board
- A look back and a look forward by Katharina Dworschak
- Theo Melcher introduces himself
- Kenya's Women and Stove Making
- Nepal
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Light and shadow in Nepal
- New momentum in Kenya
- Christoph Ruopp in Ethiopia
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Immediate help for the stove builders
- Special mission - mobile rocket stoves from clay
- Hot to carry on after the earthquake
Earthquake in Nepal
Earth quake in Nepal, call for donations
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- The climate protection mechanism
- Climate protection project well on the way
- How to compensate CO2
- Reinhard Hallermayer
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Project progress in Kenya
- Monitoring in Nepal
- Moses Waihenya
News from the landslide disaster in Nepal
Landslide disaster in Nepal
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Ofenmacher training in Ethiopia
- Co-operation with University of Kaiserslautern
- Report from field visit
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Ofenmacher training in Kenya
- Report from Nepal
- Financial status and forecast
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Stoves for Ethiopia
- Monitoring for Die Ofenmacher in Nepal
- Anita Badal
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Die Ofenmacher in Nepal 2013
- Climate Change Project
- Die Ofenmacher in Africa
- Christa is back
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Inauguration of Swastha Chulo Nepal
- Loam stoces and climate change
- We are not alone
- Facts and figures
- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Why clay stoves?
- Inauguration of "Die Ofenmacher e.V."
- The executive commitee - contacts
- Event: "Meals for smoke free cooking stoves" ("Essen für Öfen")