Ofenmacher > Welcome > News > Newsletters

Newsletter 35 from June 2024

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Stove concert together with Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg
- Report from the annual meeting 2024
- News from Nepal

Newsletter 34 from February 2024

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Program GS12215 listed by Gold Standard
- Report from the workshop: Future of Ofenmacher
- Electric cooking in Nepal
- Passing of our former treasurer Burkhard Dönitz

Newsletter 33 from October 2023

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Co-operation with ClimatePartner Foundation

Newsletter 32 from July 2023

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Swastha Chulo manager Anita Badal in Germany
- A "Matsch" stove for Nepal?
- Future of stove building in Nepal

Newsletter 31 from February 2023

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Travel report from Nepal
- Climate protection partner Lafim-Diakonie
- Travelling climate neutral with Wikinger Reisen
- Workshop with the partners from Ethiopia

Newsletter 30 from November 2022

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Stove Building in Nepal - Monsoon and Personnel Change
- Fundraiser ThermaxBausätze
- Stove Building in Uganda - Cooperation with Traugott Binder
- Future may come - New Constitution Registered

Newsletter 29 from July 2022

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Climate Change also visible in Nepal
- A piece of Nepal at Pellworm
- Ready for the Future - Changes in the Constitution

Newsletter 28 from February 2022

- Editorial by Robert Pfeffer
- Christa Drigalla's Report from Nepal
- Bel Bahadur, important employee in Nepal
- 25 years Georg Kraus Stiftung
- Chicken donating for stoves: Hof Haby

Newsletter 27 from October 2021

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Difficult situation in Ethiopia
- New Rocket Stoves for Kenia
- Nepal is getting going again
- Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima
- Hybrid general meetings

Newsletter 26 from June 2021

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Honor for Christa Drigalla
- Interview with Christa Drigalla
- Crisis in Nepal
- Wandermarathon

Newsletter special issue from April 2021

- Wikinger Wandermarathon

Newsletter 25 from February 2021

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- 100,000 stoves - what did we achieve with it?
- The story before the association was founded
- How did we get there?

Newsletter 24 from November 2020

Project in Ethiopia

Newsletter 23 from July 2020

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Reports on the corona situation in the stove construction areas in Nepal, Kenya and Ethiopia

Newsletter special issue from 9th April 2020

Building stoves in times of corona

Newsletter 22 from February 2020

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Changes at Swostha Chulo
- Chimney sweepers in Nepal
- Cooking in Nepal - today and tomorrow
- Headlines from Nepal

Newsletter 21 from October 2019

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Night of the choirs in Vaterstetten
- Stoves in Togo
- Demostration stove in Heidelberg
- Charity Shopping

Newsletter 20 from June 2019

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Report from Ethipia
- New agreements on climate protection
- Stove builder Genet from Ethiopia

Newsletter 19 from February 2019

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Report from Nepal by Christa Drigalla
- Project trips in autumn 2018
- Survey on the condition of the stoves
- Chimney sweepers in Nepal

Newsletter 18 from October 2018

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Treasurer Robert Pfeffer introduces himself
- Training in Kenia
- Emission trading on the rise
- The Ofenmacher's climate protection project

Newsletter 17 from June 2018

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Apart from stove making
- Stove makers in Ethiopia's highlands
- Cooking methods in the Simien Mountains
- Cooking, talking, learning: The Pellworm stove

Newsletter 16 from February 2018

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Nepal 2017
- Decrease in respiratory diseases
- Cooperation with Hand in Hand Fonds

Newsletter 15 from June 2017

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Pilot stoves in the Simien Mountains
- Wikinger Marathon
- Clay stoves on Pellworm
- Funding by the BMZ
- Partnership with Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm

Newsletter 14 from February 2017

- Editorial by Dr. Frank Dengler
- Village visits in Gulmi and Pyuthan (Nepal)
- Environmental protection partner meistro
- Benefits of climate protection projects
- Donating without paying

Newsletter 13 from October 2016

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Hard times in Ethiopia
- Our partners
- The stove inspectors

Newsletter 12 from July 2016

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Joachim Wiesmüller introduces himself
- News from Ethiopia
- Stove management

Newsletter 11 from April 2016

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Changes in the Board
- A look back and a look forward by Katharina Dworschak
- Theo Melcher introduces himself
- Kenya's Women and Stove Making
- Nepal

Newsletter 10 from October 2015

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Light and shadow in Nepal
- New momentum in Kenya
- Christoph Ruopp in Ethiopia

Newsletter 9 from June 2015

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Immediate help for the stove builders
- Special mission - mobile rocket stoves from clay
- Hot to carry on after the earthquake

Newsletter special issue from 27th April 2015

Earthquake in Nepal

Newsletter special issue from 6th May 2015

Earth quake in Nepal, call for donations

Newsletter 8 from February 2015

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- The climate protection mechanism
- Climate protection project well on the way
- How to compensate CO2
- Reinhard Hallermayer

Newsletter 7 from October 2014

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Project progress in Kenya
- Monitoring in Nepal
- Moses Waihenya

Newsletter special issue from September 2014

News from the landslide disaster in Nepal

Newsletter special issue from August 2014

Landslide disaster in Nepal

Newsletter 6 from June 2014

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Ofenmacher training in Ethiopia
- Co-operation with University of Kaiserslautern
- Report from field visit

Newsletter 5 from February 2014

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Ofenmacher training in Kenya
- Report from Nepal
- Financial status and forecast

Newsletter 4 from October 2013

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Stoves for Ethiopia
- Monitoring for Die Ofenmacher in Nepal
- Anita Badal

Newsletter 3 from June 2013

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Die Ofenmacher in Nepal 2013
- Climate Change Project
- Die Ofenmacher in Africa
- Christa is back

Newsletter 2 from July 2011

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Inauguration of Swastha Chulo Nepal
- Loam stoces and climate change
- We are not alone
- Facts and figures

Newsletter 1 from June 2010

- Editorial by Frank Dengler
- Why clay stoves?
- Inauguration of "Die Ofenmacher e.V."
- The executive commitee - contacts
- Event: "Meals for smoke free cooking stoves" ("Essen für Öfen")